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"We make
Medicare Advantage plans Maine

Notice: We do not offer every Prescription Drug plan available in your area. Any information we provide will be based on the plans we do offer. Currently, we represent all 6 medicare Advantage organizations, which offer 39 products in your area. Please contact, or call 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options.
There are 6 Medicare Advantage Plans in Maine. As an independent Medicare Agency we are able to help you with any of these Medicare options. In person or over the phone meetings are always free.
You're are invited to a Medicare Event.
or Moore Community Center Wed February 13th 5:30 email to reserve your seat.
or online webinars above.
If I have helped you over the past 10 years, please stay informed with EVERYTHING MEDICARE. I need your email address. Please add your email here.
Are you looking for Medicare advantage plans in Maine for 2025? We are an independent Medicare agency and represent all 6 Medicare advantage plans in Maine? We have Medicare part C plans in Bangor, Maine. Medicare plans are available in Ellsworth, and the Newport Maine area. We help seniors in the counties too. If you are looking for Medicare plans in Aroostook county, or Washington county we can help. From Fort Kent to Macias we have the 2025 your Medicare plan.
"We make Medicare Plans Easy"
Maine Medicare Choices
Maine Medicare plans 2025

Maine Medicare Advantage EASY CHOICE 1
Maine MEDICARE Advantage PLANS
Maine Medicare Advantage EASY CHOICE 2.
LET US DO THE WORK FOR YOU. We find out what you need, We look up your prescriptions, We confirm Doctors, We Show you what each plan has for extra benefit

How to Find the right
Medicare plan in Maine for 2025

Once on website select

In home, on Zoom or over the phone It's Your Choice
Vince (207) 299-5180
Open Election Period is January 1st through March 31st. This is a time for those already on a Medicare Advantage plan can change to a new plan.

Maine Medicare plans for 2025
Maine Medicare plans for 2025 current plan help.
Free Medicare and You information. We represent all national Medicare Advantage plans in Maine.
We have 8 Mainecare DSNP plans, 16 Medicare Advantage plans, and 3 Veteran Medicare advantage plans. Plans change every year...Ask us what has changed on your current plan.
Open Election Period is January 1st through March 31st. This is a time for those already on a Medicare Advantage plan can change to a new plan.
Medicare Advantage Maine

SNP plans GIVE YOU Dental Vision and Hearing
as well as A FLEX CARD $48-$132 per month.
Plan amounts vary.
Once on website select

easy choice 2
All Service we provide
are Free of charge
Note: Mainecare pays any premium under $36 and co pay

Medicare Advantage Maine
You can go directly to the plan sites below IF you want. However, We can make it a lot easier if we get you the information you need. Please understand, it is our job to help you if you need it.
WE OFFER Complete IN HOME, over the phone, or Zoom WE CAN HELP YOU UNDERSTAND YOUR OPTIONS. Everything you see on T.V. is what our Local Maine Agents help you with.
There are 6 Medicare Advantage plans in Maine, UHC, HUMANA, ANTHEM, AETNA AND WELLCARE... IF YOU HAVE Martins Point we will compare that too.
We will do what is best for you!!!! Are you looking for Medicare advantage plans in Maine? We have Medicare part C plans in Bangor, Maine. Medicare in Ellsworth, and the Newport Maine area. We help seniors in the counties too.
If you are looking for Medicare plans in Aroostook county, or Washington county we can help.

New Medicare Advantage Benefits. Seniors without MAINECARE, can also receive New Benefits.
Does your plan have Part D prescription deductibles? Some plans have deductibles this year. Make sure yours doesn't.
See these plans here.

We also love helping people one on one.
Please call so we can help you, if you have any questions.

new benefts
Feel free to Email us a Question

Do you have Mainecare?
See these plans here.
When at website directions
Then Select this tab

To view 2025 plans.
Please change This to This
If you are looking to save money on your Medicare Supplement? Plans have gone up to over $260 per month. We can help you save on these plans as well.
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